Mr. Patrick Masambu Deputy Director General | ITSO (International Telecommunications Satellite Organization)

Mr. Patrick Masambu is ITSO’s Deputy Director General and Director of Technical Affairs. Mr. Masambu joined ITSO in May of 2010. Up to a few months prior to his present responsibility, Mr. Masambu worked for a period of ten years as the Chief Executive Officer of Uganda Communications Commission, the regulatory agency for communications in Uganda.
His ten year tenure as a regulator that commenced beginning of 2000 was subsequent to a 2-year term he had served as the Chief Executive of Uganda Telecom, the then major fixed telecommunications service provider which was incorporated early in 1998 as part of the overall telecommunications sector reform in Uganda.
Mr. Masambu’s other responsibilities in the recent past have included: Chairman of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization for two years; Vice Chairman of ITU-T Study Group for Mobility for eight years and Chairman of the Association of Regulators for ICT in the Eastern and Southern Africa sub region (ARICEA). Mr. Masambu holds B.Sc (Engineering) (Hons) and MBA degrees.
About ITSO – ITSO (International Telecommunications Satellite Organization) is an inter-governmental organization with the mission to ensure that Intelsat, Ltd. provides public telecommunications services, including voice, data and video, on a global and non-discriminatory basis. Headquartered in Washington D.C., ITSO currently has 149 member countries.